Distribution of sulphur, phosphorous, iron, and trace elements in bottom sediment cores, mussels and fish from the Punat Bay (Island of Krk, Croatia)
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Ships and associated anthropogenic activities release a number of contaminant elements into the marine environment which can be particularly concentrated in restricted circulatory environments including Bays and marinas. One such locality is a Punat Bay, situated at the southern coastline of the island of Krk (west Croatia), which is the largest Croatian marina. The aim of this study was to examine depth profiles of sulfur (S), phosporous (P), iron (Fe), and trace elements (As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sn, Sr, Ti, U, V, Y, and Zn) in six sediment cores (down to 20-30 cm), and from mussels and fish from Punat Bay, by determining their levels with ICP-OES. Data analysis showed that the majority of variables were elevated in a sediment core located closest a port of the marina. Minimum to maximum S, P, and Fe levels in sediments were as follows: 0.4-2.4%, 0.04-320 mg/kg, and 0.2-2.3%, respectively. Correlations among S, P, Fe, and various trace elements were mostly positive (p<0.05). Trace elements were not increased in mussels and fish. This paper shows that the Punat marina has only a limited impact on the environmental status. Several potentially toxic trace elemens (Pb, Cu, etc.) were found to be elevated in a sediment core located closest to the marina.
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