Application of an airborne hyper-spectral survey system CASI/SASI in the gold-silver-lead-zinc ore district of Huaniushan, Gansu, China
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The airborne hyper-spectral survey system CASI/SASI, which has an integrated system for gathering both image an spectral data, is at the cutting edge developments in the remote-sensing field. It can be used to directly identify surface objects based on diagnostic spectral characteristics. In this paper, the CASI/SASI were used in the Huaniushan gold-silver-lead-zinc ore district–Gansu to produce a lithologic map, identify altered minerals, and map the mineralized-alteration zones. Radiometric correction, radiometric calibration, atmospheric correction (spectral reconstruction), and geometric corrections were carried out in ENVI to pre-process the measured data. A FieldSpec ® Pro FR portable spectrometer was used to obtain the spectral signatures of all types of rock samples, ore deposits, and mineralized-alteration zones. We extracted and analyzed the spectral characteristics of typical alteration minerals. On the basis of hyper-spectral data, ground-spectral data processing, and comparative analysis of the measured image spectrum, we used the spectral-angle-mapping (SAM) and mixture-tuned matchedfiltering (MTMF) methods to perform hyperspectral-alteration mineral mapping of wall rock and mineralized-alteration-zone hyperspectral identification. Hyperspectral- remote- sensing geological- classification maps were produced as well as distribution maps of all kinds of alteration minerals and mineralized-alteration zones. Based on geological comprehensive analysis and field investigations, the range of mineral alteration was proven to be the same as shown by the remote-sensing imagery. Indications are that airborne hyperspectral- remote-sensing -image CASI/SASI offer good application results and show a promising potential as a tool in geological investigations. The results will provide the basis for hyperspectral remote-sensing prospecting in the same or similar unexplored areas.
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