Uplifted Pleistocene marine sediments of the Central Adriatic Island of Brusnik

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Ljubomir Babić
Marta Crnjaković
Yemane Asmerom


The Island of Brusnik, located in the Central Adriatic Sea, is mainly known for its Triassic igneous rocks. However, it also contains Pleistocene conglomerates, limestones and Neptunian dikes, as well as Holocene rock debris, soil, and beach gravels. Quaternary sediments unconformably overlie tectonically disturbed Triassic basement. The majority of Pleistocene limestones, as well as the matrix of the conglomerates, are predominantly bioclastic grainstones and rudstones. Gastropod shells in these sediments retain their original aragonite mineralogy, and may also display their original colours. The majority of the conglomerates and limestones originated in lower beachface and shoreface environments. Similar sediments have not been identifi ed in the surrounding area and the Dinarides in general. Some of the Pleistocene sediments originated during MIS 5e of the Last Interglacial based on radiometric evidence. The island experienced uplift of about 30m during the Middle and Late Pleistocene and this process probably continued in the postglacial period. The combination of uplift and cyclic sea-level changes is envisaged to have resulted in an overall downstepping pattern of the Pleistocene deposits. 


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