Geothermal properties of the northern part of the island of Rab

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Miron Kovačić


The results of geothermal research in the northern part of the island of Rab are presented. This research was carried out by the Croatian Geological Survey on the initiative of the municipal administration of Lopar. The aim of the study was to determine the geothermal features and possibilities for utilising geothermal energy in this area. Field research included inspection of natural springs, together with the geological screening and sampling of typical rocks. Laboratory studies focused on the measurement of thermal parameters of rock samples collected in the field to demonstrate their ability to conduct and accumulate heat. Research has shown that spring waters do not originate from deep aquifers and that the carbonates of Upper Cretaceous limestones and Tertiary foraminiferal limestones have relatively favourable values of geothermal parameters and are able to conduct and accumulate heat. Given the geological structure, as well as the hydrogeological and geothermal parameters of the study area, the use of geothermal energy from deep boreholes would not be profitable. Cost-effective heating and cooling could be provided using shallow boreholes and ground source heat pumps in  layers with favourable thermal properties.


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