Author Guidelines
Guide for contributors
Geologia Croatica welcomes original scientific papers dealing with diverse aspects of geology and geological engineering, the history of the Earth, and the physical changes that the Earth has undergone or it is undergoing. The Journal covers a wide spectrum of geology disciplines (palaeontology, stratigraphy, mineralogy, sedimentology, petrology, geochemistry, structural geology, karstology, hydrogeology and engineering geology) including pedogenesis, petroleum geology and environmental geology.
Papers especially concerning the Pannonian Basin, Dinarides, the Adriatic/Mediterranean region, as well as notes and reviews interesting to a wider audience (e.g. review papers and notes) are welcome. Manuscripts should be written in British English.
All authors wishing to submit their manuscript to Geologia Croatica should send an e-mail to with their affiliation and a valid e-mail. After receiving username and password by e-mail, authors should register on the journal web page as authors. To submit a new manuscript several easy steps should be followed in ‘Start a New Submission’ section. The manuscript text should be uploaded in word format along with figure captions without figures and tables, and all figures, tables and plates separately as supplementary files, not larger than 5 MB per file.
All authors will be contacted by e-mail to confirm their authorship.
After the review process is finished, please make your corrections in the word file of your manuscript using “track changes” or “comments”, so your corrections can be easily noted. Also, if a reviewer wrote a letter to an author, each reviewer statement should be accepted or declined and argumented in a written form. Please upload the corrected version of your manuscript in the period of maximum 3 months after you have received the reviewer’s comments.
Manuscripts should be in double-spaced typescript with 2.5 cm margins. The title should be informative, but short. It should be followed by the complete First Names and Surnames of all authors and their addresses. The postal addresses of the author(s) should be given in the following order: institution, department/section, address, state; e-mail address for all or only for the corresponding author. If more authors share the same affiliation, write down the affiliation of the first author.
Double-spaced manuscript typed on one side of A4 paper, prepared in word with font size 12 points, 2.5 cm margins (3 manuscript pages equate to 1 journal page: 1 journal page = ca. 900 words). Please take into consideration every inserted Figure and Table will reduce the amount of text.
A brief informative abstract of 50–300 words should be included, as well as carefully chosen keywords proposed by the author(s).
The text should be supplied as a word processing file, preferably in .doc format. The text should be in single-column format. Keep the layout of the text as simple as possible – most formatting codes will be removed and replaced in processing the article. In particular, do not use the word processor’s options to justify text or to hyphenate words. However, do use boldface, italic, subscript, superscript, etc. Use tab marks to indent the first line of a paragraph, and not ‘indent’ command or spaces. SI units are obligatory. All measurements should always be given in figures, e.g. 12 m, except where the number begins the sentence. To avoid unnecessary errors you are strongly advised to use the ‘spellchecker’ function of your word processor.
Each illustration must have a caption, which is relevant and explanatory. A list of captions should be put at the end of the text after references.
Graphics and Tables
A high standard of illustration quality is desired. Bar scales are preferred. The maximum size of plates is 165 x 245 mm. The maximum width of illustrations in the text (photographs, tables and drawings) is 80 mm (for one column) or 165 mm (for two columns). The number of Tables and Figures must be limited to those that are essential for understanding.
Tables must not exceed 1 journal page in extent.
Colour illustrations could be used. A web version (pdf) will be in color, but the printed version will be black and white. There is a possibility to pay for colour illustrations. Please ask the Editorial office about this possibility.
General points
- All photographs and graphics must always be provided as separate files
- Make sure you use uniform lettering and sizing of all your original artwork.
- Only use the following fonts in your illustrations: Arial, Helvetica, Symbol.
- Number the illustrations according to their sequence in the text.
- Produce images near to the desired size of the printed version.
Please save graphics in the original format and size in which it was created.
- TIFF or highest-quality JPEG–Colour or greyscale photographs (halftones): figure in the final size should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (600 dpi recommended).
- TIFF or highest-quality JPEG–Bitmapped line drawings: figure in the final size should have a minimum resolution of 600 dpi (1000 dpi recommended).
- For the editing process each uploaded file should be maximum 5 MB in size. For the publishing full-size files will be requested.
Please DO NOT:
- Supply embedded graphics in your word processor (spreadsheet, presentation) document.
- Supply files that are optimised for screen use (like GIF, BMP, PICT, WPG); the resolution is too low.
- Supply files that are too low in resolution.
- Submit graphics that are disproportionately large for the content.
- Submit scans of previously published graphics.
- Artificially enlarge the resolution of photographs; it will decrease and not increase the quality of illustrations.
- Supply files that are encrypted or password protected.
Genera and Species names
Genera and Species names should be written in Italics, e.g. Chrysalidina gradata D’ORBIGNY, or Chrysalidina gradata D’ORBIGNY, 1839.
Titles of palaeontological chapters with the description of a taxon should be written like this:
Genus Pseudolitanaia MAMET & PRÉAT, 1994
Pseudolitanaia graecensis (HUBMANN, 1990)
(Fig. 4 B, Fig. 5 B; Pl. 1, Figs. 1−3, Pl. 2, Fig. 7)
1990 Litanaia graecensis – HUBMANN, p. 148−150, figs. 3−4, pl. 35, figs. 1−6
1994 “Litanaia” graecensis – HERRMANN & HUBMANN, p. 200, pl. 1, fig. 5
1994 Pseudolitanaia graecensis – MAMET & PRÉAT, p. 148
The words ‘Plate’ and ‘Figure’ should be shortened to ‘Fig.’ and ‘Pl.’ respectively, unless at the beginning of a sentence. When referring to other papers, use ‘pl.’ and ‘fig.’, and when more than one figure is involved use ‘pls.’ and ‘figs’, e.g. SCHMITT (1979, pl. 16, figs. 3, 4; pl. 22, fig. 2). When referring to a particular page use ‘p.’, e.g. (GROTZINGER & JAMES, 2000, p. 9). If the same reference is cited immediately after, use ‘idem’, e.g. (idem, p. 19).
References in the text should be listed by giving the author’s surname (in capital letters) followed by the year of publication in parentheses, e.g. SOKAČ (2007) or CONRAD, M.A. & CLAVEL, B. (2008). When reference is made to work by more than two authors, the first name should be followed by “et al.”, e.g. BRACK et al. (1999). If several papers by the same author and from the same year are cited, a, b, c, etc. should be put after the year of publication, e.g. KOROLIJA & JAMIČIĆ (1989a, b). For poorly known or old journals please submit their unshortened name and the place of publication. If the reference has a DOI number it should be included at the end of the reference.
Complete references should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper and authors must provide (in parentheses) English translations of article titles written in less known languages. Ways to abbreviate journal titles and abbreviations of journal titles can be found on the web page:
Web of Science Journal Title Abbreviations
Please follow these examples:
BRACK, P., RIEBER, H. & URLICHS, M. (1999): Pelagic successions in the Southern Alps and their correlation with the Germanic Middle Triassic.– In: BACHMANN, G.H. & LERCHE, I. (eds.): Epicontinental Triassic, International Symposium, Halle/Saale, Sept. 21–23, 1998. Zbl. Geol. Paläontologie, 1998/7–8, 853–876.
CONRAD, M.A. & CLAVEL, B. (2008): A Lithocodium and Bacinella signature of a late Hauterivian, local microbial event: the Urgonian limestone in South−East France.− Geol. Croat., 61/2−3, 239−250.
COZZI, A. (2002): Facies patterns of a tectonically-controlled Upper Triassic platform–slope carbonate depositional system (Carnian Prealps, northeastern Italy).– Facies, 47, 151–178. doi: 10.1007/BF02667711
FISHER, R.V. & SCHMINCKE, H.-U. (1984): Pyroclastic Rocks.− Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 472 p.
KOROLIJA, B. & JAMIČIĆ, D. (1989a): Osnovna geološka karta SFRJ 1:100000, list Našice L34−85 [Basic Geological Map of SFRY 1:100000, Našice sheet – in Croatian].– Geološki zavod, Zagreb, Savezni geološki zavod, Beograd.
KOROLIJA, B. & JAMIČIĆ, D. (1989b): Osnovna geološka karta SFRJ 1:100000. Tumač za list Našice L34−85 [Basic Geological Map of SFRY 1:100000, Geology of the Našice sheet – in Croatian].– Geološki zavod, Zagreb, Savezni geološki zavod, Beograd, 45 p.
PALMER, A.N. (2006): Digital modeling of karst aquifers – Successes, failures, and promises.– In: HARMON, R.S. & WICKS, C.M. (eds.): Perspectives on Karst Geomorphology, Hydrology, and Geochemistry. A Tribute Volume to Derek C. Ford and William B. White. Geol. Soc. Amer., Spec. Pap., 404, 243–250.
SOKAČ, B. (2007): Upper Hauterivian algae – south of Mali Troglav.– In: GRGASOVIĆ, T. & VLAHOVIĆ, I. (eds.): 9th International Symposium on Fossil Algae – Croatia 2007, Field Trip Guidebook and Abstracts. Croatian Geological Survey, Zagreb, 79–81.
VRSALJKO, D. (2003): Biostratigrafija miocenskih naslaga Žumberačkog i Samoborskog gorja na temelju mekušaca [Biostratigraphy of Miocene deposits of Žumberačko and Samoborsko gorje Mts. on the basis of molluscs – in Croatian, with an English Abstract].– Unpubl. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, 147 p.
ANDRIĆ, M. (2001): Robinson–Duboka Ljuta, seizmička tomografska mjerenja [Robinzon–Duboka Ljuta tomographic measurements – in Croatian].– Unpubl. report, Civil Engineering Institute of Croatia, Zagreb, 30 p.
We strongly discourage references to unpublished papers (reports and other), unless really necessary (e.g. giving credit to a former researcher who actually made a discovery, or similar). We also discourage references to publications of restricted availability, as abstracts, conference reports and field-trip guides, unless really necessary (as above), especially ‘self-citation’ of the preliminary results of the submitted paper.
International Review
Editors firstly check each manuscript for compliance with the journal standards.
All original scientific papers which might be published in Geologia Croatica are then reviewed internationally. Authors are welcome to propose 3 or 4 potential competent reviewers for the manuscript (full affiliation, address and e-mail) and, optionally, designate up to 3 nonpreferred reviewers because of possible conflict of interest). Please send this information to the address.
The duration of the reviewing process is variable, depending on numerous factors. We will do our best to reduce it as much as possible. However, typically the entire process from submission of the first version of the manuscript to publication takes 4 to 10 months, and careful adherence to this guide for contributors will usually significantly decrease the duration of this process.
After revision and correction of the manuscript have been completed, the author should prepare the final version of the manuscript and graphics, according to the reviewer’s and editor’s comments. This version will be sent to the United Kingdom to our language editor, and the manuscript is only ready for publication after any further corrections have been completed.
Page proofs
Page proofs will be sent to the authors. They should be read carefully and returned within a few days.