Initial results of the colorimetric indices of the oldest exposed pedocomplex (Titel loess plateau, Serbia)

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Tin Lukić
Milica Radaković
Rastko Marković
Warren Thompson
Tanja Micić Ponjiger
Biljana Basarin
Nemanja Tomić
Vladimir Tomović
Jovanka Popov Raljić
Milivoj Gavrilov
Aleksandar Valjarević
György Sipos
Dejan Filipović
Cezar Morar
Slobodan Marković


In this study we present an in-depth description of the colorimetric values for the lowest section of the Dukatar Loess Palaeosol Sequence (LPS) pedocomplex S5. Formed during the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 13-15, it represents the oldest pedocomplex exposed at the base of the Titel loess plateau (TLP), near the confluence of the Tisa and Danube rivers in Vojvodina (northern Serbia). The results of low-field magnetic susceptibility measurements (χlf) were compared to colour properties (obtained by conventional methods as well as instrumental measuring) and quantified Soil Development Indices (SDI). Of these measurements we found that the Redness Index (RI1) yielded the most useful results, as this index appears most sensitive to lithological changes and soil development intensity. It was also observed that a high level of correlation existed between χlf, and a* chromaticity. The initial results of this study highlight the utility of colorimetric methods as an interdisciplinary tool when evaluating the presence of ferromagnetics, and the application of rock magnetism to the Middle and Upper Pleistocene LPS of the Middle Danube Basin. The presented approach can be used to observe the evolution of climatic and ecological conditions in the given study area, and for establishing  correlations between sites extending over the Eurasian LPS provinces.


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