Glaciation Traces in the Area of the Risnjak Mountain Massif

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Andrija Bognar
Ivančica Prugovečki


The area of the Risnjak mountain massif is a submorphologicalregion - part of the mesomorphological region of the south-westernGorski Kotar. This area exceeds 1,500 metres in height. In the reliefstructure of the massif, the system of ranges and erosion surfaces -plateaux has been formed on the folded block, mostly carbonate baseby subsequent microtectonic activity and exoomorphological processes.Such relationships of relief under conditions of exceptionally lowtemperatures and abundance of snow precipitation during the Pleistocene,were prerequisites for the development of glaciation. Glaciationof the mountain massif was marked by formation of the valley,plateau and cirque glaciers, which is proved by the discovery of glacial moraines and other morphological features and corresponding sediments.


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